Forward Free is launching a new and exciting initiative to meet urgent needs among law enforcement officers (LEOs) and their families. We need your help through generous financial giving, event volunteering, and earnest prayer. 



"Meet pressing needs…” 
TITUS 3:14

What do law enforcement officers go through? 

Mental health, physical health, spiritual health, and relational health challenges are all too real. Take a look at the story of one young former officer. 

What do law enforcement officers go through? 

Forward Free plans to address these challenges with an informative “Path Forward” online workshop tailored to the needs of law enforcement. LEOs and, if married, their spouses/partners, will have opportunities to watch experts deliver video lectures across 19 critical topics in the areas of mental, physical, spiritual, and relational health.  All free of charge!



Watch incredible stories of Law Enforcement Officers going above and beyond the call of duty.

Watch incredible stories of Law Enforcement Officers going above and beyond the call of duty.

A song about LEO's by a great artist with a big heart and a meaningful story.

A song about LEO's by a great artist with a big heart and a meaningful story.

Disabled veterans are in need of our help. 

Disabled veterans are in need of our help. 

Take a look at this e-brochure to learn more about their needs and our plans.

Later, Forward Free will expand workshops to disabled veterans, firefighters, and emergency medical services personnel; lease private facilities for family retreats for foster families, missionaries, and pastors; and, purchase facilities for the comprehensive care of LEOs and other groups. Larger and more capable LIFE RANCHESwill be pursued when feasible. 

The future

The future

Donations are sought to underwrite the costs of the LEO workshops planned for 2022. This includes funds needed for hotel venues, quality speakers, staffing, and follow-up support.

“God loves a cheerful giver.”

Help us meet these pressing needs. There are many ways you can give:
  • Give online: Click the “DONATE HERE!” button above
  • Mail your check to: PO Box 1262, Odessa, FL 33556.
  • Donate stock through the Forward Free Foundation (donor avoids capital gains tax and earns bigger tax deductions; Forward Free receives larger donation!)

donate here!

how you can help

how you can help


For more information, please contact Forward Free here.

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